Dental emergencies occur unexpectedly, resulting in pain and discomfort and often requiring swift solutions. Emergency dentists are skilled at treating a wide range of urgent dental issues, providing relief for patients and helping to avoid more serious complications in the future. This article explores the common causes of dental emergencies, how to recognize them, and emergency dental treatments to manage them.
Severe Toothache
Experiencing severe tooth or mouth pain is one of the most common reasons people seek emergency dental treatment. This type of pain is often due to an infection or other underlying issue. The emergency dentist will examine the patient’s teeth and jaw to identify the source of the problem and provide prompt treatment.
Other severe dental injuries include cracked or broken teeth that require immediate care. These injuries can be painful and may expose the root of the tooth to further damage if not treated immediately. The emergency dentist will assess the condition of the tooth and may use dental tools to repair or replace it if needed.
Soft-Tissue Infections
Infections of the gums or other tissues in and around the mouth are a common cause of dental emergencies. These infections typically lead to intense and often unrelenting pain, as well as swelling. If left untreated, they can spread to other parts of the body or even compromise the airway. The emergency dentist will examine the patient’s condition and may prescribe antibiotics if necessary.
Trauma & Injury
The primary role of the emergency dentist is to offer prompt care for dental trauma and injury. These emergencies can be very challenging to manage, as they frequently involve significant pain and discomfort, making it difficult to think clearly or perform other tasks. The emergency dentist will evaluate the patient’s situation and provide immediate treatment to relieve the symptoms, such as placing a splint on a displaced tooth or administering anesthesia for a cracked or fractured jaw.
The cost of emergency dental treatment varies depending on the severity and nature of the injury or infection, but generally speaking these treatments are no more expensive than standard procedures. For this reason, many patients opt to purchase dental insurance to help defray the costs of dental emergencies. In addition, a good preventative dental routine, including twice-daily brushing and flossing, daily use of a mouth rinse, and regular visits to your hygienist, can help minimize the risk of a costly dental emergency in the first place. If you need the help of an emergency dentist in Torrance visit